4634 S 74th St
Main Office Phone
Email Addresses
- Administration & Main Office
- Attendance
- Counseling Office, College & Career & Graduation
- Custodians
- Kitchen
- Library
- Nurse
- Programs
- Security
- Teachers & Classroom Staff
- Therapists
Administration & Main Office
Name | Title | Phone | |
McColgan, David | Principal | 253-571-3800 | dmccolg@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Acevedo, Jason | Dean of Students (10th Grade) | 253-571-3812 | jaceved1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Burson, Rosalia (¡Se habla español!) | Assistant Principal (11th Grade) | 253-571-3818 | rburson1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Manada, Val | Assistant Principal (12th Grade) | 253-571-3850 | vmanada@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Owen, Wendy | Assistant Principal (9th Grade) | 253-571-3810 | wowen@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Drake, Julie (¡Se habla español!) | Main Office Secretary | 253-571-3802 | jdrake@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Riddle, Rebecca | Office Manager | 253-571-3804 | rriddle@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Main Office Fax | 253-571-3801 |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Flowers, Mary | Attendance Secretary | 253-571-3807 | mflower@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
To excuse an absence, please email:
Counseling Office, College & Career & Graduation
Name | Title | Phone | |
Benson, Aaron | Counselor (Last Names: F-L) | 253-571-3836 | ajackso5@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Junderson, Brandi | Counselor (Last Names: A-E) | 253-571-3789 | bjunder@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Kupfer, Nicole | Counselor (Last Names: M-R) | 253-571-3806 | nkupfer@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Lewis, Ami | Counselor (Intervention) | 253-571-3837 | alewis2@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Phillips, Angela | Counselor (Intervention) | 253-571-3723 | aphill2@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Steffke, Marisa | Counselor (Last Names: S-Z) | 253-571-3833 | msteffk@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Forsell, Monica | Psychologist | 253-571-3832 | mforsel@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Murdach, Erin | Psychologist | 253-571-3834 | emurdac@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rosario, Ro | Student Data Specialist | 253-571-3828 | lbreen@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ostrander, Angela | Secretary | 253-571-3831 | aostran@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Russell, Dorothy | Registrar & Records Specialist | 253-571-3852 | drussel@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Counseling Office Fax | 253-571-3829 |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Mayer, David | Chief Custodian | 253-571-3611 | dmayer@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Nguyen, Hoang (Mike) | Night Engineer | 253-571-3611 | hnguye1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Carithers, Jim | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | jcarith@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Corinciuc, Larisa | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | lcorinc@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ferguson, Doug | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | dfergus@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Florez, Santiago (Jim) | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | sflorez@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Golovanov, Pavel | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | pgolova@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Johnson, Mike | Night Engineer | 253-571-3611 | mjohnso7@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rich, Kevin | Custodian | 253-571-3611 | krich@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Name | Position | Phone | |
Brecheen, Nicole | Manager | 253-571-3827 | nbreeche@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Doughly, Jomona | Child Nutritionist | 253-571-3827 | jdoughl@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Harris, Christine | Child Nutritionist | 253-571-3827 | charris1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Leasiolagi, Mary | Child Nutritionist | 253-571-3827 | mleasio@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Odimba, Brenda | Child Nutritionist | 253-571-3827 | bodimba@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Roberts, Deborah | Child Nutritionist | 253-571-3827 | drobert1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Name | Title | Phone | |
VanDyke, Margy | Librarian | 253-571-3706 | mvandyk@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ostrander, Angela | Library Secretary | 253-571-3717 | aostran@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Name | Title | Phone | |
Harwood, Sandy | Registered Nurse | 253-571-3817 | sharwoo@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
TBA | Health Room Assistant | 253-571-3793 | |
Health Room Fax | 253-571-3799 | ||
MultiCare Onsite Health Clinic | Appointment line | 253-459-6222 |
Program | Name | Phone | |
College Success Foundation - Achievers | Rodriguez, Melody | 253-571-3710 | mrodrig@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
College Success Foundation - HERO | Uok, Vannra | 253-571-3697 | vuok@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
College Success Foundation - Proyecto Mole | Vargas, Alma | 253-571-3710 | avargas@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Communities in Schools | Garcia, Adan Vaielua, Vince (Director) |
253-571-3707 |
agarcia3@tacoma.k12.wa.us vvaielu@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Indian Education | Brooks, Robin |
253-571-3709 |
rbrooks@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
MDC - Upward Bound | Levra, Crystal | 253-571-3708 | clevra@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Treehouse | Downs, Danielle Spikes, Virginia |
253-571-3716 | danielle.downs@treehouse.org virginia.spikes@treehouse.org |
Upward Bound | Rice, Ayana Rubin, Alissa Smith-Prince, Jaynina Winston, Aaliyanna |
253-571-3727 |
arice@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Name | Position | Phone | |
Jones, Mark | Security Officer | 253-571-3715 | mjones1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Viena, George | Security Officer | 253-571-3811 | gviena@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Teachers & Classroom Staff
Name | Title - Department | |
Acevedo, Samuel | Teacher - Math | saceved@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ausboe, Cheryl | Teacher - Physical Education | causboe@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Bacon, Krista | Teacher - Spanish | kbacon@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Batten, Dominic | Teacher - Business & Marketing | dbatten@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Beers, Kayla | Teacher - American Sign Language | kbeers@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Berman-Hand, Talia | Teacher - Special Education | tberman1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Bissell, Bryan | Teacher - History/Student Council | bbissel@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Brown, Taylor | Teacher - Graphic Design | TBA |
Capes, Megan | Teacher - History | mcapes1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Case, Chris | Teacher - Special Education | ccase@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Chambers, Meg | Teacher - Math | mchambe@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Chambers, Sanger | Teacher - Science | schambe@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Collen, Audrey | Teacher - Math | acollen@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Colleran, Holly | Teacher - Special Education | hcoller@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Drinkwine, Jeff | Teacher - Physical Education | jdrinkw@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ewer, Heidi | Teacher - Math | hewer@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ferrin, Tam | Teacher - Science | tferrin@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Franchini, Gina | Teacher - Spanish | gfranch@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Gerbyshak, Paul | AVID Coach | pgerbys@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Gobel, Brad | Teacher - Health | bgobel@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Golan, Emily | Teacher - Orchestra | egolan@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Hatch, Leon | Teacher - English/AVID | lhatch@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Holmes, Jeff | Teacher - JROTC | jholmes@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
James, Erin | Teacher - Science | ejames@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Johnson, Richard | Teacher - English | |
Juma, Issac | Teacher - Automotive Maintenance & Technology | ijuma@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Kramer, Mark | Teacher - Science | mkramer@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Lamarche, Aslan | Teacher - Special Education | alamarc@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Leao, Pete | Teacher - JROTC | TBA |
Lee, Namhee (Kristin) | Teacher - Korean | nlee@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Lord, Phillip | Teacher - English | plord@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Maebori, Jay | Teacher - English | jmaebor@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Marks, Jena | Teacher - English Language Learners | jmarks@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Marks, Ken | Teacher - Math | kmarks@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
McBride, Corey | Teacher - Physical Education | cmcbri3@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Meersman, Ben | Teacher - Science/G-Tribe | bmeersm@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Merrill, Becca | Teacher - History | rmerril@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Montgomery, Noel | Teacher - Healthcare Academy/Next Move | nmontgo1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Moore, Richard | Teacher - Computer Science | rmoore@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Morales, Daniel | Teacher - English Language Learners | dmorale@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Mulkey, Karen | Teacher - Math | kmulkey@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Nguyen, Duc | Teacher - Math | dnguyen1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Nishiyama, Sheri-Ann | Teacher - Choir | snishiy@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Osborn, Alex | Teacher - English/ASB | aosborn@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Pavolka, Elizabeth | Teacher - Science | epavolk@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Pletcher, Dianne | Teacher - English/Drama | dpletch@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Potts, Riley | Teacher - Math | rpotts1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rainbolt, David | Teacher - English | drainbo@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rang, Rob | Teacher - History | rrang@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Reardon, Justin | Teacher - Special Education | jreardo@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rhodes, Tom | Teacher - History | trhodes@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Robinson, Amad | Teacher - Special Education | arobin2@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rudolph, Amber | Teacher - English | arudolp@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Sackman, Kenneth | Teacher - Science | ksackma@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Sadler, Bruce | Teacher - English Language Learners | bsadler@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Schafer-Garcia, Alysa | Teacher - Science | aschafe1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Seyler, Molly | Teacher - Art | mseyler@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Shelby, Robert | Teacher - Sports Medicine | rshelby@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Smith, Josh | Teacher - English/History | jsmith10@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Trebilcock, Lance | Teacher - History/Swimming | ltrebil@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Tygart, Debbie | Teacher - Deaf & Hard of Hearing | dtygart@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Vig, Forrest | Teacher - Special Education | fvig@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Vig, Michael | Teacher - Special Education | mvig@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Wallace, Rob | Teacher - Math | rwallac@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Wasson, Matthew | Teacher - Band | mwasson1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
West, Micah | Teacher - History/Geography | mwest1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Wilson, Audrey | Teacher - Civics | awilson1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Winchester, Kai | Teacher - Deaf & Hard of Hearing | kwinche@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Winninghoff, Alex | Instructional Coach | awinnin@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Zelenak, Breanne | Teacher - Science | bzelena@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Hurn, Andrea | ASL Interpreter (Lead) | ahurn@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Pile, Michael | ASL Interpreter | mpile@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Bankson, Elyse | ASL Interpreter Coordinator (offsite) | ebankso@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Cardenas, Alicia | Education Support Professional | acardeb@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Cobbins-Smith, Jaylen | Education Support Professional | jcobbin@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Craig, Khalia | Education Support Professional | kcraig1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Dean-Wright, Donna | Education Support Professional | ddeanwr@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Fuller, Andrew | Education Support Professional | afuller@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Gallagher, Allie | Education Support Professional | agallag@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Hart, Tayler | Education Support Professional | thart1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Logitu, Elyssah | Education Support Professional | elogitu@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Lorenz, Robin | Education Support Professional | rlorenz@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Mester, Linda | Education Support Professional | lmester@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Ngov, Romduol | Education Support Professional | rngov@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Nugent, Ruby | Education Support Professional | rnugent@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Nusbaum, Aaron | Education Support Professional | anusbau@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Pluger, Megan | Education Support Professional | mpluger@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Riddle, Meghan | Education Support Professional | mriddle@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Rohde, Bennie | Education Support Professional | brohde@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Stokes, Nick | Education Support Professional | nstokes@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Name | Position | Phone | |
Brandt, Cindy | Occupational Therapy | 253-571-3701 | cbrandt2@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Carlsen, Ingrid | Occupational Therapy | 253-571-3701 | icarlse1@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Fernando, Lisa | Speech Therapy | 253-571-3696 | lfernan2@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Keister, Jerry | Physical Therapy | 253-571-3701 | jkeiste@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Olliges, Sierra | Speech Therapy | 253-571-3696 | sollige@tacoma.k12.wa.us |
Richtmyer, Danielle | Audiologist | 253-571-1178 | drichtm@tacoma.k12.wa.us |