Review college application deadlines and search for schools

For students looking to attend college, now is a good time to review application deadlines and ensure you have everything you need to apply.

There is a common application that is used by hundreds of colleges in the U.S., this application is convenient because you can send it to multiple eligible schools. There is also a shared application for many community and technical colleges in Washington.

Tacoma Public Schools partners with eight schools across Washington to guarantee admission for qualifying students. Students who have questions or want more information about the guaranteed admissions program or college applications are encouraged to meet with their schools' counseling team. 

Not sure which school to apply to? Within SchooLinks is a robust college search tool. Students can explore schools around the world, looking at academic offerings, size, cost and more.

Deadlines for TPS Guarantee Admission partners:

  • Tacoma Community College
    • Accepts applications for each quarter. Priority enrollment for the Summer 2025 quarter opens May 12, 2025.
    • TCC accepts the shared application.
    • All TPS graduating seniors who apply to TCC are guaranteed admission.


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